Sunday, November 30, 2014

Ginger dressing (sushi restaurant style)

Whenever I tell people that I like going out for sushi they always give me this weird look until I tell them that I only order veggie rolls (and then I'm told that's not real sushi). Anyway, I really do love it, especially the tempura rolls or anything with eel sauce. Seriously, it's amazing. Aside from the rolls one of the best things is the salad that comes with it. It's usually a simple iceberg lettuce salad but is always topped with this insanely delicious dressing that was a mystery to me until recently. I looked at a few different recipes before concocting my own, so I can't really take full credit for this since it is just a conglomeration of recipes already out there, but who cares? It's incredible.


1/4 of an onion
2 large carrots
3 tablespoons of chopped fresh ginger
1 rounded tablespoon of miso paste
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
1 rounded tablespoon sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons sesame oil
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 tablespoons water
1/8 teaspoon salt


Throw the onion, carrot, and ginger into a food processor and process until the pieces become very fine. Add miso, vinegar, sugar, oils, water, and salt and process again for a minute or two or until it becomes liquefied. Scrape down the sides of the food processor and turn it on again until you're sure the dressing is as smooth as it is going to get. Taste it and season according to your tastes. I added a little more salt and a little more sesame oil and will probably thin mine out a little more too.

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